
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Need some help!

As you may have noticed, we've hit a snag. Again. I blame it on three people doing what usually five or six people do. I (Caffin) will start working on finishing on episode 21 today. Hopefully, that will come out soon. I just need to stop having a life. You would think that we would, even with three people, at least come up with a good schedule of release. Nope. Chuck Testa. If you would like to help, there are positions available. Even if you don't know anything about timing, there are jobs that you could do. With more people, we will be able to release more often.


  1. What help do you need?

  2. We found someone to help us out (Thank you, DrFaust) but if you would still like to apply, drop us an email~
